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Our Panels

We identified a need to have moderated, bespoke panels and research communities that were giving their opinions for the right reasons.


When so many decisions are based on research findings, we knew that accuracy and legitimacy of the panellists was paramount.


Our specialised and independently owned and operated panels give us more control and more confidence in the answers we give our clients.

Consumer Panel - Insight With Bite

Thousands of UK consumers have joined our consumer panel focused only on food and drink, where it came from and how it got there. We only want people that share our passion on board, we verify each application for quality and invest a lot of time in making sure the panel meets the needs of our project requirements. 


We have a vision for how panels should be run and we think it is the future of research, read on to find out more. 

Agricultural Panel - Five Bar Gate

We are passionate about farmers having a voice in agriculture and making sure they are compensated for their time and expertise. We know that they feel strongly about having their say in research but had no way to find out what was being researched.


We set up our own independent panel and have farmers, contractors, agronomists and many more in the sector signed up to take part in the things that matter to them. 

Supply chain and stakeholder community

You don't get to 30 years in an industry without a little black book that reads like a who's who. If we don't know someone, we know someone who will.


That is where our inspiration came for a supply chain community and we ask stakeholders if they are happy to be included in our community and contacted for their opinions on research if there is something relevant to their role or sector. 

Want your own panel or community created?

Describe the service and how customers or clients can benefit from it. It’s an opportunity to add a short description with relevant details, like pricing, duration and how to book.

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